Tuesday 26 March 2013

Costs and guesstimation

I spent some time working on a building plan and rough estimates.

Before you peek, consider a few things:
  1. These reflect Canadian prices, and in some cases, Alberta prices.  The cost of living here is high.
  2. The land reflects Red Deer, Alberta prices, which may be higher or lower than your area. Most likely higher. 
  3. I estimated using a lot of costs from the Manitoba Earthship and online vendors or prices I have seen.
  4. I assumed no volunteer labour on the tire pounding.
  5. I completely guessed on; plumbing estimate, framing estimate, electrical labour and finishing.  Therefore, the estimates here could be off by a significant amount.  I just tried to guess "high". (e.g. one site said expect around $1.50sq foot, so I used $5.00/sqft.  Better to be ridiculously high than low)
  6. Slab pour - I googled it, they said it was around $7/sqft, plus finishing.  I'm not sure if that includes prep work, so I added an extra $2000, though again that could be way off. 
  7. Solar Panel and solar system costs are fairly accurate; I got them directly from the vendor. 
  8. Note that some things like excavation and wells could vary widely depending on your land. 

So while I feel this may apply to my situation, it still involves a lot of guesstimating, which is incredibly frustrating and makes the costs look a lot higher than they might be.  Therefore, the more you can do yourself, the more you can cut the costs.

Also look out for home shows/builder trade shows; these are great places to get multiple quotes and ask questions. I was able to find out a lot of pricing details just by going from booth to booth and inquiring or picking up leaflets.

Google Document - Costs

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