Sunday, 24 November 2013

If you want to learn more about sustainable systems, is a great place to start.  Their online subscription is less than $25 for three years.  You can also get a paper subscription.

This is probably the only magazine where I actually read the advertisements.  It never hurts to know the latest technologies and how much they will set you back!

Do you have any websites or magazines that you find useful?

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Government Support of Green Building

As part of obtaining my degree in accounting, I had to do a major research paper.  I chose to do it on the economics of sustainable building, in specific, the need for government support in Canada.

I think most people would be inclined to live in a home that was better for the environment and reduced their bills, aka a "sustainable home".   Unfortunately, the economics of " green building" are forcing most people to stick with traditional homes.

Read my research paper and find out why the average Canadian will not be buying a sustainable home:

Research Paper